Progress is underway

When the Downtown Activation Plan launched in June 2023, it established near-term goals for the first three years and long-term strategies for the future. 

The near-term goals focus on bringing people back Downtown now while designing a future Downtown Seattle that works for you — residents, working people, families with children, small business owners, visitors, and everyone who calls our city home.

Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in reading more about the Downtown Activation Plan and progress made so far, click the resources below. 

Seven bold goals for Downtown Seattle

Alongside partners, the City is acting boldly to create an exciting future for Downtown. In the drop-downs below, you can see progress highlights aligned to each goal. For a full update on progress, see the 2023 Progress Report.

Share your Feedback

This plan is just the beginning. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Downtown Activation Plan

Demonstrating accountability 

The City created a public-facing dashboard to track progress on the seven bold goals and to stay accountable to the public. Check out the dashboard and insightful data on the Seattle Office of Economic Development’s website. 

Our Downtown Activation Plan efforts aim to achieve

  • Increased overall foot traffic
  • Reduction in fentanyl/meth overdoses
  • Reduction in emergency medical responses
  • Increased housing occupancy
  • 60% of people working Downtown at least three days a week
  • Increased retail spend Downtown
  • Increased visits to cultural institutions
  • Increased public transit ridership
  • Increased foot traffic outside working hours
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New (and upcoming) Seattle Restored Locations

Graffiti and cleanliness efforts

Pedestrian zone at Pike between 1st and 2nd

Newest waterfront project work

Opening of City Hall Park

One day of service

Pedestrian-only streets

New public art and murals



June 2023

Mayor Harrell announced the launch of the Downtown Activation Plan – a bold and ambitious roadmap to revitalize and transform Downtown Seattle now and for the future.


Near-term goals and strategies

The City is already taking action Downtown to address urgent challenges. This includes the Executive Order on fentanyl, the expansion of the services provided by the Metropolitan Improvement District to increase cleaning efforts, and a series of policy changes to increase housing and make doing business easier.

As of December 2023, 37 of the 46 initiatives are already underway or completed. The remaining initiatives are on track to be completed by June 2026 with more Downtown investments and policy changes gaining momentum as the City shows progress.


"Space Needle Thinking" ideas for the future

This plan also includes visionary ideas that will signal a transformational future for Downtown Seattle. These ideas will take over three years to strategize, secure investments, and develop.

How we built this part of the plan

Initiatives were identified by combining stakeholder engagement with in-depth research and benchmarking. This process helped elevate the work already being done Downtown while highlighting best practices and new ideas identified by community, organizations, and research on peer cities.

There are many more investments both public and private in Downtown Seattle that are not highlighted in this plan. It is important to acknowledge that what is included here is not inclusive of everything nor should it be. Our hope is that these investments will create momentum Downtown that others will take advantage of and create a sustained cycle of activations, equitable and new investments, and more opportunities for Seattleites.

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